
Andre W Homsi

Majad Jamal

Simon Nakhoul

Ehab Ghanem

Mariana Hindleh

Andre W Homsi

Lana Homsi

Mohammad Almalla
Scholarship Winners
AAAEA-CA Scholarship Program
Program Overview
The Arab American Association of Engineers and Architects (AAAEA) – California, has a strong educational mission. The Association provides for annual scholarship and paid internship opportunities to qualified current students through individual applications. To be considered for an award or an internship, a complete application should be submitted for consideration by the Board of the AAAEA-CA. Neither the scholarship nor the paid internship is guaranteed, especially as the internship is based on a company’s discretion. However, the funding toward the internship may increase the likelihood of securing an internship. In the case of a rejected internship application, the allocated funds will instead be provided as a monetary scholarship.
This award is presented to full time undergraduate and graduate students in the fields of engineering, architecture, or computer science/information technology with preference given to undergraduate students. The scholarship opportunity is also available to incoming freshmen who wish to pursue a degree in higher education in the previously mentioned fields. The objective is to promote engineering, architecture, and computer science/ information technology as worthy professions and to foster stronger ties between the Association and the Arab American Community.
The number and value of the scholarship(s) will be decided every year based on the amount raised by the Organization, through equitable selection and evaluation processes by the AAAEA-CA Board. The scholarship and/or paid internship will be presented at an annual function of the Association.
Scholarship applications will not be considered unless filled out, signed, and accompanied by all appropriate supporting documentation. Application, in pdf format, must be emailed to the AAAEA at